Wednesday, June 17, 2009

America's Road to Socialism -- Fact or Fiction? (Installment 2)

Let me apologize up front for the length of these posts. Now you can see why I divided this into four installments. Please bear with me and at least skim through the paragraphs. I think it will be worth your while.

In the first installment on the road to socialism in America we considered the question, “what have the prophets said about socialism?” It was clearly established that latter day prophets have been both plentiful and explicit in their warnings about the dangers of socialism (see posting from June 1).

This conclusion leads us to one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves at this time in history, “Is the United States really on a path that will lead to socialism?” In considering this question it is helpful to have an understanding of the history, origins, and tactics of socialism.

Brace yourself for a short tutorial on history. If you find this a bit tedious, skip ahead a couple of paragraphs. Otherwise, read on . . .

Some of the earliest socialistic philosophy surfaced during the French Revolution by Jean Jacques Rousseau and Gracchus Babeuf. Rousseau was a proponent of the state assuming responsibility for the needs of all people, and championed the equal distribution of wealth in order to accomplish this end. Babeuf asserted the idea that the poor should overthrow the rich and then distribute all property equally and hold it collectively. The Jacobin movement, also during the period of the French Revolution in the late 18th century, was another proponent of equal distribution of wealth and the state ensuring “social justice”.

However, the ideas that underlie the socialist philosophy really began to take shape and gain a following in the early 19th century, generally believed to be between the years 1820 and 1830. Charles Fourier and other utopian philosophers expounded the ideas of socialism as the manifestation of a perfect world. It was the followers of Fourier who brought socialism to the U.S. in an attempt to set up such utopian communities.

It is worth noting with extreme interest that the roots of modern socialism can be traced to the same period during which the restoration of the Gospel was taking shape. Consider that Joseph Smith received the First Vision in 1820 and the Church was organized in 1830. It is not difficult to beleive that as the Lord was restoring the true gospel to the earth, Satan would be in the process of establishing a great counterfeit in opposition to the “marvelous work and a wonder” transpiring during the same period. We know in the year 1843 that Joseph Smith attended multiple lectures on socialism by John Finch, a member of the first socialist society in America, founded in 1825. In response to these lectures Joseph Smith stated, “I did not believe the doctrine”.

The real strength of modern socialism came from the writings of two Germans, both infamous for inaugurating the era of communism. . . socialism achieved through revolution. Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx are acknowledged as the most influential thinkers in socialism as it exists today. The definitive work on socialism is The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.

To really understand the phenomenon of socialism, and to begin to assess whether America is on a path toward it, we should look at the principles and strategy outlined in The Communist Manifesto. Referring to the Communist Manifesto, Engels wrote in the preface to the document “it is undoubtedly the most widespread, the most international production of all socialist literature.” There is little question that the goals, objectives, and tactics in the Communist Manifesto are the goals, objectives, and tactics of socialism.

Before we begin to take a quick look at the tactics Karl Marx outlined, consider the following statement Ezra Taft Benson reported to have heard directly from Nikita Kruschev in 1959. “We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”

With that in mind, it is worth pointing out that Karl Marx outlined 10 characteristics in the Communist Manifesto that describe a socialistic nation. He also suggests that in converting a nation from a democratic market-based economy to a socialist state, these characteristics should be pursued. Marx’s 10 points are as follows:

  1. Abolition of propery in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the ands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state.
  8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools.

It appears to me as if at least 7 of these objectives are already firmly entrenched in our country, or in some stage of implementation. Let’s look very briefly at a few of these points and how they may be manifesting in America today.

Graduated Income Tax- Many of our founding fathers warned against a graduated system of taxation as it distributes the tax burden disproportionately. They actually suggested excise taxes as preferable to a tax on property, including income, but specified that all taxation should be apportioned. There was a temporary income tax during the civil war, but it was a flat tax of 3% of annual income, and only lasted for 5 years. In 1887 the Socialist Labor Party in the U.S. began to lobby for a graduated income tax to be established. Coincidence??? The income tax as we know it today was authorized by passage of the 16th amendment in 1913. We have had a tax system advocated by Karl Marx since that time. While there is nothing inherently socialistic about income tax, and I believe responsible citizens should pay their income tax, a graduated tax that redistributes wealth is socialistic, and it is what we have in place.

Abolition of Right of Inheritance- H Verlan Anderson, BYU professor and later a member of the First Quorum of Seventy gave great insight into all of Marx’s 10 points. Specific to inheritance rights he explained, “by means of steeply graduated gift and inheritance taxes, this same result can be achieved. Large, medium, and even small estates can be destroyed upon the death of the owner by imposing a tax so high that the entire business must be liquidated to meet it. Under such a policy when a person dies, instead of allowing him to pass his property on to his widow and children, government confiscates the entire estate.” We have gift taxes, inheritance taxes (so called death tax), and estate taxes in place today.

Centralization of Credit/National Bank/Monopoly- The Federal Reserve bank was established in 1913 (1913 . . . really the entire Wilson era . . . was not a good time for freedom in our nation) by Woodrow Wilson. There is a monopoly in the management of credit, issuance of currency, and control of fiscal policy consolidated in the Federal Reserve. Our founding fathers, particularly Thomas Jefferson, warned repeatedly against the establishment of a national bank and surrendering monopoly control of the nation’s currency. Jefferson said that bankers represented a greater threat to freedom than standing armies. Lenin is known to have said that “the best way to destroy a capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens”.

Centralization of the Means of Communication and Transportation- To be brief on this section, I’ll simply point out that rail travel in America is centralized under government control (Amtrak). The government is the majority owner of GM and Chrysler. New CAFÉ standards for vehicles threaten to put all car manufacturers in the U.S. out of business. They will not be able to compete with a subsidized GM that can operate at perennial losses, just as Amtrak does.

Equal Obligation Work/Establishment of Industrial Armies- Again, in an attempt at brevity due to the growing length of this post, I’ll simply suggest the political influence of labor unions. For some intriguing but disturbing information look into the twisted web of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and their ties to other shady groups such as ACORN.

Free Education for Children in Public Schools- I realize this may be a most controversial topic, due largely to the fact that public education is so thoroughly entrenched in our society. But consider whether there is a more powerful tool for socialist thinkers to propagate their message and establish their philosophies. While I think in Utah we have been insulated to a degree from the creeping dangers in public schools, there are many examples of the state deciding what is being taught and how, without input from parents. The “Big Bang” is taught as creation, organic evolution is taught as the origins of man, global warming is taught as the single largest public concern of our day, sexual alternatives are taught as virtues, abstinence is considered outdated and ineffective as compared to contraceptives, and religion and morality are prohibited. All of these examples are clearly outlined by Marx as essential to accomplishing a true socialist state. A recent news story out of California in which elementary school curriculum is now required to focus on the gay lifestyle is a case in point. Also consider that President Obama has suggested that all student loans should be administered by the government. This would allow the government to control who receives funds, which institutions the funds can be used for, what those institutions teach, and how the education should be targeted. As if academia was not severely skewed to an extreme liberal/socialistic agenda as it is. Please take note that in saying this I fully acknowledge that there are many very good and well-intentioned public school teachers. This is not an indictment on them. I have the greatest respect for many public school teachers, especially those in my own family. That does not negate, however, the powerful tool public education can be in the hands of socialist schemers, and that it is becoming more and more of a mechanism to this end in our nation.

Although there is MUCH, MUCH more that could be reviewed in connection with how the U.S. has moved sharply in the direction of what Karl Marx outlined as characteristic of a socialist state, I’ll let the foregoing suffice with one more quote, this time from the infamous socialist and first communist dictator of Russia, our friend Illyich Lenin.

Lenin said, "Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby: Get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. Destroy the peoples faith in their natural leaders by holding up the latter to ridicule, contempt and obloquy. Always preach true democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. Encourage government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear with rising prices, inflation and general discontent. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a soft and lenient attitude on the part of government towards such disorders. By specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless."

What amount of this clever plan of Lenin's is abundantly evident in America today? Its a chilling thought! I believe it is clear from reviewing the context of socialistic strategy and tactics as outlined by the fathers of modern socialism, that America has started to go down a frightening road.

In the next installment we will review some recent developments in our nation that can be considered mileposts on the road to socialism.

One last thought before I close tonight. In looking through some commentary on a website in which hundreds of people blog and comment about the state of our country, I came across the following statement.

Apr 27, 2009, 4:23pm EDT

Well I agree its Socialism in a package called ‘Stimulus’, but keep in mind Obama’s administration has made no secret that socialism is their intent.

All I can say is Lord its in your hands.

For some reason I feel that God has people blinded for a reason.

I pray none of us who believe in our country and the responsibility God has given each of us to stand up for what we believe to be right ever feel this way. It is left in the Lord’s hands only after we’ve done all we can. I don’t believe we’re there yet. President Hinckley admonished us to pray as if everything depended on the Lord, then go to work as if everything depended on us. It doesn't cut it to side-step our responsibility by just saying its in God's hands. I don’t believe God blinds people. I do believe He expects us to open our eyes.


Richard Parke


Book: "The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil" H. Verlan Anderson

Book: "The Red Carpet" Ezra Taft Benson


Rachel said...

Utah is a particularly easy state to do so in but now you know why I homeschool. (When my health permits me to....)

I say it is easy but it is becoming more and more difficult even as home schoolers to teach your own corriculum as the Gov't feels that it must also dictate what we teach in our homes.

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Hadn't had much of a chance to read until this morning. Wow! Chilling, to say the least. But can say did feel this all along. Glad to say wasn't fooled. And sad to say, most of my own family has been. May have to send this along to them, at risk of ridicule from some. Thanks!

Greg said...

Well thought out blog Richard and Natalie.
Thanks for listing your sources. Made for an interesting read.
It's amazing to see in hindsight the slow and effectual administration of poison that has lead our nation down this path. So very much like Alma 47 when Amalickiah through clever deceit, manipulation and flattery, took over the whole Lamanite nation.

PappaParke said...

Where did you get the Lenin quote. It sounds too strong to be real... Or was he in reality, just that evil?

PS. My kids changed my name to PappaParke and I don't know how to change it back to Dave, so for now, you all know who I am...

Richard & Natalie said...

I've got several sources for the quote from Lenin, but I've also seen some chatter about it not being a true quote that can be attributed to Lenin. After seeing that I spent a couple of hours trying to trace it down officially. I was going to do a follow up post just focused around this quote, but decided not to because there is some question of its authenticity.

Even if the quote is not traceable back to Lenin, whoever put it together did accurately capture what is happening in our society, and what has happened under all communist governments.

But truly, these people were just that evil. I'll post some excerpts from the communisit manifesto that will chill your blood as they illustrate how evil some of these founders of communism really were.

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