Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Call To Action

Please take 7 minutes and watch the following video, then take 2 more minutes and read the rest of this blog post.

This video clip sums up very well much of what many of us feel. President Benson is direct and clear about the freedom we enjoy, and the responsibilities that are ours if we want to preserve freedom for our children.

As an Apostle of Jesus Christ Elder Benson stated, referring to a statement made by President David O. McKay "we therefore command and encourage every person and every group who is sincerely seeking to understand constitutional principles and awaken a sleeping and apathetic people to the alarming conditions that are rapidly advancing about us. We wish all of our citizens throughout the land were participating in some type of organized self education, in order that they can better appreciate what is happening and know what they can do about it."

Later, as President of the Church, President Benson stated the following in the Saturday morning session of General Conference, 1987:

"Have we read The Federalist papers? Are we reading the Constitution and pondering it? Are we aware of its principles? Are we abiding by these principles and teaching them to others? Could we defend the Constitution? Can we recognize when a law is constitutionally unsound? Do we know what the prophets have said about the Constitution and the threats to it?"

If you would like to get involved in helping others in your community learn more about constitutional principles and the fundamentals upon which our nation was founded, please visit http://freedomforumprovo.blogspot.com/

There will be a Freedom Forum meeting at our home on August 20th at 7:00pm. Those in the Utah Valley area are invited to join the group and attend on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. If you are located elsewhere in Utah, you are welcome to attend the meeting on August 20th, or any other session. There will be information and assistance in starting a neighborhood study group in your area. Please email me at defenseofliberty@yahoo.com for details and further information.

Consider the following statements by Latter-day Prophets:

“There never was a better constitution on the face of the earth than the constitution of the United States. There is nothing but the people of God could enjoy under it. But the Federal constitution is trodden under foot. All that I am afraid of is that the Elders of Israel will forget their God.”

- Brigham Young, JH [8 Jul 1849] 3

“As we have progressed the mist has been removed, and in relation to these matters, the Elders of Israel begin to understand that they have something to do with the world politically as well as religiously, that it is as much their duty to study correct political principles as well as religious, and to seek to know and comprehend the social and political interests of man, and to learn and be able to teach that which would be best calculated to promote the interests of the world.”

- John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 9:340

“Besides the preaching of the Gospel, we have another mission, namely, the perpetuation of the free agency of man and the maintenance of liberty, freedom, and the rights of man.”

- John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 23:63

“you owe it to humanity everywhere; you owe it to that free and constitutional form of government, which has been bequeathed to you through the precious sacrifices of many of your forefathers—to do all in your power to maintain religious liberty and free, republican government in these mountains, and to preserve every constitutional right intact"

John Taylor, MFP 2:346

"For the last few years, especially, the Constitution at times, has been looked upon as a matter of the smallest consequence. In some respects, however, it has been a blessing to us as a people, and it is to the whole nation, as far as it is carried out. But in order to fully receive its blessings we have to honor its precepts.”

- Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 12:275

"I counsel you, I urge you, I plead with you, never, so far as you have voice or influence, permit any departure from the principles of government on which this nation was founded, or any disregard of the freedoms which, by the inspiration of God our Father, were written into the Constitution of the United States.”

- Heber J. Grant, Admonition and Blessing, p. 695

"I say to you that our only hope, and the hope of the sons and daughters that God may bless us with, to enjoy peace and liberty in this land, is in standing by the Constitution that God has inspired to direct this government."

- George Albert Smith, Conference Report October 1911

“When the Constitution of our country is assailed, openly or subtly, by those who have no understanding of the purpose of God regarding this great country, it behooves those who do understand to consider seriously and faithfully the benefits that will flow to us by honoring and sustaining the principles of government that were divinely established. . . .”

George Albert Smith, Perpetuating Liberty, p. 93-94

“Be true to the Constitution of the United States, to the Bill of Rights. Do not let any theories of immigrants or misguided politicians induce you to do anything that will deprive us of our liberties as vouchsafed by that immortal document.”

- David O. McKay, Stepping Stones to an Abundant Life, p. 112

“I thought it would not be amiss or out of order to say something about the Constitution, to give a little history of it perhaps briefly; for I am convinced that the people generally of the United States have not studied it. Many of them have never read it, and some know nothing concerning what it is all about.”

- Joseph Fielding Smith, Founded in the Wisdom of God, p. 370

"We urge members of the Church and all Americans to begin now to reflect more intently on the meaning and importance of the Constitution, and of adherence to its principles."

- Harold B. Lee, News of the Church, 90

“We encourage all members, as citizens of the nation, to be actively involved in the political process, and to support those measures which will strengthen the community, state, and nation—morally, economically, and culturally.”

- Spencer W. Kimball, Letter from the First Presidency, 6/29/79

“Each priesthood holder should use his influence in the community to resist the erosion process which is taking place in our political and economic life. He should use the political party of his choice to express his evaluation of important issues. He should see that his party is working to preserve freedom, not destroy it. He should join responsible local groups interested in promoting freedom and free competitive enterprise, in studying political issues, appraising the voting records and proposed programs, and writing to members of Congress, promoting good men in public office, and scrutinizing local, state, and federal agencies to see that the will of the people is being carried out. He should not wait for the Lord's servants to give instruction for every detail once they have announced the direction in which the priesthood should go. Each member should exercise prayerful judgment and then act."

- Ezra Taft Benson, God, Family, Country, p. 356

“How can men of conscience ignore the teachings of the Master in their daily affairs, in business, or in government? We stand by and wink at many things because we fear to do anything about them. We may be against crime or communism, but what do we do about it? We may be against corruption in government or against juvenile delinquency, but what do we do about it? . . . We need to push fear into the background and come forward with a definite, positive declaration, and assume responsibility”

- Howard W. Hunter, General Conference, October 1960


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