Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Power of the People

It has been a while since I've written. Between a hectic work schedule with far too much travel, the holiday season, and a temporary computer outage, I've completely blown my goal of keeping this blog updated. I've also been dedicating some time to another project that I look forward to sharing details about on this blog sometime in the Spring. But its a new year, so I'll pick up the shattered pieces of a goal left un-achieved, and start anew.

Despite my negligence in actually writing blog posts, there have been a number of them rambling around in my mind over the past couple of months. There is a lot I want to write about. I've mentally composed posts on global warming, Congress becoming an elite class, the origin of rights, a look back at the impact of 2009 on preserving our freedoms, and at least 3 other topics, including, of course, healthcare.

But what is most on my mind at the moment, that I'd like to spend a few minutes addressing, is the outcome of the special election in MA to fill the senate seat vacated by Ted Kennedy. In the last couple of posts way back in November we discussed the small victories that had occurred in elections in New Jersey and Virginia and how these races have provided an example of what can happen when people take a stand and make their voices heard. The following post then focused on how we can ensure those running for office in the upcoming 2010 mid-term elections hear our voices and know what is expected of them if they wish to represent us.

I pick up that theme again in looking back at what happened in Massachussetes earlier this week. Massachussettes is arguably the most liberal state in the union. It is a bastion of left leaning thought that has served as a base for the Democratic party. This is the land of Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, and Barney Frank. When one considers the prevailing center-right mentality of the nation as a whole, Massachussettes is generally looked at as an outlier. But the radical nature of what is happening in our country has proven too much for even this bluest of all blue states. So the voices of the people banded together to express their will.

It has been altogether interesting and amusing to watch many of the pundits and commentators on television, who clearly support a progressive agenda for our country, as they've reported on the outcome of this race and the movement that produced it. It is shockingly clear how out of touch these people have become with the mainstream mindset, even among independents and average members of the Democratic Party.

Here is one amusing example: (I was unable to edit out the last few minutes of this segment. To avoid some unnecessary and distasteful comments, stop this clip after the first 4 minutes)

There has been no shortage of commentary over the past three days outlining the implications of this election. Many are calling it a referendum on the radically progressive policies of the Obama administration. Its also widely reported that this outcome sends a resounding message about the feelings of the American people specifically regarding government run healthcare. Some claim it is a victory in maintaining a balance of power between the different branches of government. Practically everyone seems to agree that the outcome of the election will make it significantly more difficult for Obama, Pelosi, and Reid to accomplish their stated agenda.

I agree with all of this analysis. But, I think the most important outcome of this election is the confirmation that despite all the efforts to disrupt and undermine our democratic system, which occur both overtly and covertly in this age, power still rests with "We the People" to shape the direction of our country.  This is one of the key answers to how our liberty can be defended and perpetuated. The people of the United States are still a powerful force that cannot be silenced, despite the nefarious efforts of many. We are still the source of governmental power in this republic. That has not been lost yet. When the people of the United States, even in liberal Massachussettes, band together in support of our liberty, victories can be achieved.

Just as the small victories we discussed back in November in Virginia and New Jersey teach some valuable lessons, so to does the monumental election we just witnessed in Mass. The lesson I hope we all learn is that our voices do count for something, and banding together across the nation we can make a difference. The lesson I hope all of the elected representatives across America learn is that if they disregard the voice of the people and continue to move our country away from the principles upon which it was founded, they will lose the privilege of representing us.

Let's keep standing together and do what we can to keep the flame of liberty burning in this great land!


1 comment:

Corine Moore said...

YEAH! :D I am SO HAPPY about this great victory! And, you are absolutely RIGHT! Everything we do makes a difference - no matter how small it seems, it gets added to the masses of others, and multiplies as it spreads (even when we can't see it!).

With that in mind... we should do all that we can to support our Constitution and help to keep America free, no matter how small our efforts may seem! And there is always hope!

Thanks for another great post. :D

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